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FKD新作 | 天鹅湖轻奢大平层,邂逅品质生活

4754 2021-05-10T14:53:50 18
设计师: 林少邦
FKD新作 | 天鹅湖轻奢大平层,邂逅品质生活说明:




Project Name | Swan Lake large level private house

Project Location | Guangdong、Shenzhen

Project Area | 200㎡

Design Date | Apr 2020

Hard Outfit Design | FKD 

Design Team| Bon、David、Tim 、Bingbing



The design advocates the large structure, with the magnetic suction lamp as the guide to expand the line of sight, with a large number of French Windows as the virtual bridge to communicate the surrounding environment, abundant sunlight wantonly pouring into the room, giving a wide field of vision without shelter and a sense of freedom.

设计上主张大器格局,以磁吸灯为导向让视线扩张,以大片落地窗为虚拟桥梁沟通周边环境,丰沛的日光肆意倾洒至室内,给予无遮挡的宽阔视野且自由自在的感受。 The design advocates the large structure, with the magnetic suction lamp as the guide to expand the line of sight, with a large number of French Windows as the virtual bridge to communicate the surrounding environment, abundant sunlight wantonly pouring into the room, giving a wide field of vision without shelter and a sense of freedom.


The change of light and shadow in the bookshelf layer is matched with the metal copper sense of furnishings. The material and color collided to divide this small corner. At sunset, while feeling the fireworks brought by your family, you can enjoy your brief reading and feel the warm moments in your daily life.

书架层板内光影变化,搭配金属铜质感置物摆件,材质与色泽对撞划分出这小小一隅,夕阳西下,落日时分,一边感知家人带来的“烟火气”,一边可享受着自我短暂的阅读,感受生活日常中的温馨时刻。 The change of light and shadow in the bookshelf layer is matched with the metal copper sense of furnishings. The material and color collided to divide this small corner. At sunset, while feeling the fireworks brought by your family, you can enjoy your brief reading and feel the warm moments in your daily life.


Embedded design will wine ark melt at metope, expand the space to receive and achieve smooth layout hidden type socket and island tonal harmonious collocation, can provide convenience for modern life can prevent safety hidden trouble intelligent management control to let condole ark door close put freely, more leave out the redundant space when traditional cabinet door opens.

嵌入式设计将酒柜融于墙面,扩大空间的收纳和实现流畅的布局。隐藏式插座与中岛色调和谐搭配,既能为现代化生活提供便利又能防止安全隐患。智能化管理控制让吊柜门收放自如,更省去传统柜门打开时多余的空间。 Embedded design will wine ark melt at metope, expand the space to receive and achieve smooth layout hidden type socket and island tonal harmonious collocation, can provide convenience for modern life can prevent safety hidden trouble intelligent management control to let condole ark door close put freely, more leave out the redundant space when traditional cabinet door opens.

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