CARBON北山十号,原是民国时期的一栋老别墅,它的边上是著名的蒋经国故居,而今,年代感的青砖墙与工业风的灰水泥、洛可可式的华美水晶灯交融在一起,混搭出一种十分独特的时髦范儿。 CARBON的中文翻译是碳,我们知道这一种奇妙的元素,既可以成为很软的石墨,也可以成为世界上最坚硬的物质——钻石。所以在CARBON的空间里,高级是它的气质,多变是它的特质。白天,这里是SOHO一族最佳的移动办公场所,一台手提电脑、一杯咖啡面对诗意的断桥消磨一个文思泉涌的下午时光。黄昏,这里是烛光摇曳、鸢尾花开的高级法式餐厅,点上一瓶勃根地的红酒,在柔和的LOUNGE音乐中,望着落地大玻璃窗外深蓝的夜空,仿佛穿越到1889年梵高笔下《鸢尾花》那蓝紫色的飞扬的回忆。而到了夜晚九点之后,CARBON又从有些忧郁的气质中走出,迷人的JAZZ让你忍不住舞动曼妙身姿,将激情释放。特别值得提醒的是,在CARBON微醺之后,出门一米便是西湖,你最好沿着西湖漫步,呼吸着夜晚潮湿的空气,绕着北山、苏堤走上一圈,酒也醒了大半。 这里的法国经理是个非常nice的帅哥,既懂美食,又精通葡萄酒,如果你是位热爱葡萄酒文化的食客,也许还能有种找到知音的感觉。-北山十号灵感
Let's say it clearly, the key draw of Carbon lies in its location: it’s a beautiful and spacious two-story restaurant with bars and terrace situated in front of the legendary Broken Bridge. There isn’t any better place to enjoy a meal or an apéritif on West Lake. You will be served by a pleasant staff speaking Chinese, English and French offering fusion cuisine with a French undertone.
The decoration of the place is extraordinary, reminiscent of an old style French restaurant with its seating, ornaments and other vintage trinkets, its suspended vine plants around the main room, a massive bar shaped out of a single piece of wood, and a wide bay window with a spectacular view of the lake. Going up to the second floor, you can find another bar, admire the melancholic wall paintings evoking ancient China with its temples and dragons and, from there, step onto a huge wooden terrace under the trees – allowing you to appreciate the sight from on high. As Gérard Depardieu said in the epic movie from the 70's Les Valseuses: "On n'est pas bien là?" (Don't we feel good here?).
这地方的装饰是非凡的,其座位的老式法国餐厅怀旧复古饰品,饰品等,其悬浮的藤本植物在大屋里,一个巨大的条形出一块木头,和一个湖的壮丽景色宽窗台。走上二楼,你可以找到另一个酒吧,欣赏忧郁的壁画唤起中国古代寺庙、龙,从那里,走上一个巨大的木制阳台树下–让你欣赏的视线从高。GéRAPD德帕迪约在从70的圆舞曲女郎史诗电影说:“我àn'est PAS好吗?”(难道我们不觉得好吗?)。
Zhang Xin more pump design works click on the official website of the teacher:www.pumpo.cn